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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cryptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden.

Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

When you submit your email address, you will receive an automated email containing a verification link.
After this email has been sent, your email address will be purged from our servers. We will not retain long-term records of your email address.

Clicking the verification link in the email will permit you to post normally. The verification link is valid for 24 hours.
You will need to accept 4chan cookies for the verification process to function.

4chan Pass users are not required to verify their email address using this system.

The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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So I can BUY IN
and then it PUMPS!
High volume again
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The PM shit was fake as fuck, forced, now it wants to run and its being constrained. Its like we are on a hard limit, this is an important number for them it seems
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If you aren't buying gold, you don't know SHIT about buying gold.
sorry I only buy digital gold ($DGB), you can buy now or fomo later after the pre-staking x10
Dgbbase dot me
>imagine buying gold rn
>buying goldberg's bags
nah, I'm probably not going to buy an asset which the majority of holders are central banks
You guys are all dumb weaboos!
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have fun losing to inflation

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Is this thing still worth holding onto?
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yeah, but GMX isn't really building anything.
They're discussing multiplier points (not a problem for GNS), oracle feed improvements (not a problem for GNS), more pairs (not a problem for GNS)

Everything GMX wants to do now GNS already has and beyond that they dont have any imagination.

Yes smart contracts and partials is something GNS is working on that GMX has but once it has that it will be level with GMX on every field and keep its current advantages (high lev, almost 200 pairs, concentrated liquidity etc.)

The GMX main dev has been working with/at another project it seems.
It's nearly a dead end development wise...
No, it was a bear market coin that overperformed when everything was gigadumping. Those always massively underperform once the bull market returns.

OP here, I decided to sell GNS and buy JEDI
smart contract interaction isn't that yuge of a deal, atleast imo, but I'm wrong 50% of the time.

> The GMX main dev has been working with/at another project it seems.
thanks for the real hopium, if GMX stalls that would be awesome.
Would love to see Seb bring the top GMX devs into GNS. That would be a real savage move.

and its a retarded pajeet, got it
You will eat the bugs.

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I know at least one of you old fucks has some useful information to share
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If you have a bachelors degree in math why dont you study to become an Actuary?
>>Do yourself a favor and start an artichoke farm instead.
are you serious about this? why artichokes?
I got a master's degree in a different STEM field and it was basically worthless. I only got it because nobody was hiring in 2010.
I also have a STEM degree, which has been absolutely useless.
I applied (and got accecpted into the top programs for it).
I also got into stanford for statistics.
Go the more generalist route.
You can go be a quant with a general degree (math / stats / physics)
geting a financial engineering degree pigeon holes you.
dont do it.
especially in this market,

this bafoon probably got the degree 5+ years ago when banks/hedgies were scrambling for these people

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>Wake up
>Dump price
What are Americans like this?
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shart in the mar(ke)t
After paying their medical bills, their tithe to Ukraine and Israel and the uber back home for their wives' black boyfriend, they need to sell some coins for their first breakfast at taco bell.
ETF approved in US stock market. BTC pumps to 70k. ETF approved in Hong Kong. BTC dumps to 57k. Really makes you think.
USA runs the world, and lives rent free in your third world country mind
Holy Mother of cope and seethe.

>Basic information
In response to the scam-mania that 2021-/biz/ was jannies have decided to go scorched earth and kill the board with over moderation.

This is an appeal to jannies to please allow at least 1 general where there are no rules and we can once again try to find mooners amongst the trash.

We accept that every project shilled in this thread is a scam, nobody should buy anything here. This is purely for research and entertainment purposes. However posting a honey-pot or other flatly malicious contract should still warrant a perma-ban.

I encourage people to post pump.fun tokens or other tokens that have been around at least for 3 weeks. 99% of projects go to zero within 3 weeks, and pump coins have hardcoded out many of the common rugs such as liquidity pools and malicious contracts. This provides a level of safety crypto for degens that crypto hasn't seen in years.

>General insights
Memecoins are likely to be a new asset class, similar to NFT's. Yes there will be a huge bubble and many people will get rekt, just part of the cycle. They are here to stay, only the strong will survive.

Highly recommend everyone reading the following threads. Memecoins are literally the best casino in the world, degen millionaires are being minted constantly.

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what is meme?
read my thesis all the way at the top. i do not like cartoons. ponke is the only exception to this because they produce amazing content thats actually funny on their instagram and tiktok

irl animals are simply superior. cartoon coins are mass produced garbage

tiktok is the testing place of "good memes" i hear theres a "whaaa" meme going around that doesnt have a token but i didnt investigate

it used to be a picture with a funny caption - https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/doge . they have evolved and now its just concept. https://www.tiktok.com/@amr_obaia/video/7305864468049808645?q=mewing%20meme&t=1714995510501
his gestures are the mewing meme, highlighting his solid jawline and mogging people

the memes with the best financial appeal feature cute animals - like hammy. because they become a character

if you can find a big up and coming meme on tiktok that features a cute animal you can get rich. i have no idea how to do this i dont use tiktok
UBPS launched today
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What can you tell us about it?
I'll tell you right now I'm not even going to comsider buying until it survives 2 weeks.
I saw it trending on Dexscreener and it seems to have some coordination (aka cabal). It hit LoB target in 30 minutes and then shot up to 1milly MC when it hit Uniswap.
Logo, memes and website seem to have some effort put in but that's a little sketch considering it came out of absolutely nowhere.
I've been waiting for that for ages and now it seems I'm already late.... 500k mcap already reached :/

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Munger edition.


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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I should have kept my calls in SPY. Might have to sell my $W Calls and go back into it.
People are blaming them for the Hawaii fires but much like dominion for VA or pge for Cali it’s a monopoly. The gov can’t let them be found at fault because it’s the only power company in the state/island. After the trail it’s going to 3x once’s people realize it’s going to be fine
hello /smg/
I just realized that split offs were a nice thing (got free Solventum stocks recently)
is there a way to keep track of them? A website or feed that reports all the happening split offs?
Am I gonna make it with W?
kek dumbfuck still red gamestop baggies, next stop single digits

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I haven't found a good reason to use anything else besides Bitcoin Cash in a long time.
I just spent $0.01 in fees to send money to stake then when I was done having fun paid another penny to cash out back to my non custodial wallet.

Life is fucking good on BCH I hope you all are also enjoying being able to use your crypto like this.
I used to be able to do the same with BTC but they broke it on purpose and trying to do the same would of cause me like $80 in fee's.

Feels bad because I know a lot of people have been tricked and think they have to use a side chain when it could work just as good as BCH on the main chain.

If you haven't ever tried BCH please get some and just test it out. No need to come shill another project or call Roger a scammer I just want people to see things don't have to be the way they are for you on the BTC chain they could still increase the block size they just don't.
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I ain't staking that crap. I'd rather restake ETH on Yield Nest, Omni, or EtherFi.
That's why I reckon restaking's gonna be a big part of DeFi, because it's all about the long term game, Jeet.
Discuss: Would switching to RandomX be a good thing for BCH or not?
Understandable, given merge mining.
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>if there was an easy way to short bitcoin, i would
>he said this at 10k
He's a retard, just because you're rich doesn't mean you're smart
>if there was an easy way to short bitcoin
There is
> i would
He wouldn't do shit, he's too much of a scared pussy to touch bitcoin
Pussy nigga
he's a murdering psychopath. also, looks like he's had a stroke if you see him lately. His right arm is fucked. Hope he burns in hell soon.

Monday we are moassing
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Lemonade, checked.
Aaaaaaaareeeeeeeeee yooooooooooooouuuuuuuuu reeeeeaaaaaadyyyyyyy to ruuuuuuuuuuuuuumblleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
In the right corner we have our champion GameStop trained by Ryan Cohen himself. GameStop has 200k OG apes who are ready to fight, 1.2 billion in cash and full year profitability.
And in the left corner we have Kenny-boy with a trillion dollar ready to short,100+ hedgies backing him, and an army of shills ready to suck on command. Are you ready folks? This will be the fight of the century!
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Could someone explain to me how Margin/Leverages trading actually works?
I read the FAQ of ByBit's page but it's very over the head stuff numbers and percentages without proper examples given to a basic newbie.

Say I have $1000 and decide to buy BTC with x3 leverage, how bad are the maintenance fees? Do I have to have money on account balance where it's taken or is the money taken directly from long position investment holding?
And basically that buying with leverages in mind is race against the clock hoping for good growth before shorting, do I understand that right?

There was some beginner's thread to crypto week ago or so which makes me realize how little there is to help truly new people into trading, which seems counterintuitive from what people want aka growth.
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>How do you think anyone starts daytrading? Do you think traders know the stuff from birth?
simple, they figure all this shit out on their own, they dont walk around begging people to spoonfeed them.
they do their own research and develop their own strategies.
if you are not capable of this you can never become a profitable trader.
>comes to a board that mainly talks about trading cryptocurrencies
>gets upset when someone asks about trading cryptocurrencies
Because he's not posting a green wojak thread saying ''AAAAAAAAAA'' it's clearly not relevant according to you.
You don't even have any specific questions, youre really just looking to get spoonfed. But trading is more of an art than a science, you can't just spoonfeed someone info until they magically turn long term profitable.

You showed your colors right at the start.
>But even then, if and when BTC will rise up to 100k, with my 1000 dollar investment, that's only 500 dollar profit. At best I can add another 1000 now and make it 1000, but dude, really when it reaches 100k from 64k?..

If you are trying to trade with 1000$ you are wasting your time. Get a job. Or if you already have a job, get a better job, or get another job.

With a job, saving an extra 10-20k every year is piss-easy. Making that money as PROFIT trading is hard as hell. Don't listen to these larps telling you how they made 6 figures off of shitcoins. They feed it all back to the market and 1-2 years later they are probably in the red.

I am following several terminals, and I only have seconds or minutes at best to react at all times and have programmed my own scripts to for API access to 7 different exchanges, yet my trading still only earns like 10% of what my WFH job does.
I'm so far ahead of you'll probably never catch up, and there are plenty of people so far ahead of me I might turn unprofitable at any point.
How do you learn on your own if you don't understand what something is? What is this board for? What the actual fuck?
I'm doing research, I've been browsing the board for 3 weeks before I bought in myself to start holding and learn more things. But I can say this board hasn't been very helpful with the osmosis learning, lot of anons talk about things in 'cryptic' ways, even to each other or basically just to themselves in a void, so it's definitely gatekept hard, no wonder this board became graveyardish after the email verification with bots and shills gone but that's besides the point.

I've asked what is leverage and how do they work in practical terms, I've asked what does market cap entail and mean. What on earth do you mean not specific questions? If it's being spoonfed, well so be it and close the thread or something if it's not interesting. I'm not expecting anything to magically turn into profit, I've said this probably half a dozen times now. It's behind work and time and since I'm a neet, I have nothing but time on my hands.

Sure but for now I'm not planning on getting any work and haven't had any in a decade, this is something I'd like to pursue on my own. Even earning 500€ on top of what I currently have would make me happy if it takes a whole year. I don't really hold interest in shitcoins as so many share their stories getting rugged and I've seen some shilled attempts past month here in which after they came, they vanished and suddenly no one talked about them anymore.
One thing I've seen few anons talk about is using PinkSale platform to invest in debuting coins initially and immediately sell after launch, making ''safe profit'' but that's something I need to see and learn more of before I even think of trying that.

Well good for you, it must have taken you long time to learn all that to put into good use.
You aren't making 500€ on 1000€. I mean you might make that amount by doing something retarded on leverage, but you'll lose it right away.
You pretend like youre trying to "learn" but youre ignoring my actual advice.
Not liking to go outside is not a reason you'll be a profitable trader. Thats just a delusional NEET fantasy. In fact, the best traders are working at desks where they probably got into with their math PHD plus a large dose of nepotism.
If you want to make money by buying crypto thats fine and probably a good idea.
Those quants working at jane street or whatever are pushing millions, hundreds of millions sometimes.
Maybe you have accepted that 1000€ won't make you rich, but literally what is the point of trading all day to make 500€? You could have literally just done nothing, maybe bought btc, eth and a 10-20% alt bag, delete your binance app and sell a year later and be up 2000€, and you can do whatever the fuck you wan't all day.

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The SEC is killing crypto one exchange at a time
lmao soon XRP is gonna be the only legal clarity crypto

If you need a good place to buy XRP check out uphold exchange

We moon soon!! $200 incoming
Robinhood sucks. They always pause trading when the price pumps or drops a lot.

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Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org

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Is it worth using monero as a middleman? Can't buy anything I want to buy using XMR.
I've looked around a lot and haven't found anything that comes close to answering this question:
>traceable fiat currency goes to XMR
>XMR is paid to someone for a product
>XMR is converted to traceable fiat currency so it can actually be used for a purpose outside of crypto spheres
Does it work like this? Couldn't the money be traced once it's been converted to 'real' money?
>couldn't the money be traced
You're just tracing dollars at that point, not exactly difficult.

That wouldn't point you to any sort of onchain information, though.
Do any anons buy shit coins here, I want to make something that would help monerochan but there's very little creating something on a chain no anons use?
I don't understand how your question relates to the rest of what you said.
Think onchain market maker that's non custodial due to it being a token with a 50/50 split half the profits going to buy and remove xmr from supply

>can't hold 64k

Ohh hellooo
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And it won't hold again. Checkem
There's no excuse for failing to purposely get dubs on a board as slow as this, bobo
Checked ;)
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Typical bobo lol

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Linkpool published that whole cope thread but 2 days into May we are trending towards about 90k total tx (vs.134k last month) and $60k-70 revenue (vs. $133k last month which was already 50% down from the previous month).

I look at the explorer every day and easily 70% of main net tx are Xswap points farming and since they're about to do their airdrop you can imagine that shit is going to fall off a cliff. The other 30% is some other wallet idk what it is. But I've only ever seen 2 wallets on main net basically 2 dapps using CCIP.

AAVE said they're not launching their CCIP thing for at least 2-3 years from now.

What the fuck.
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>44 Link kek no wonder he's fudding. Needs to get that stack up! State of some noobs
cross posting my post from >>58448771

so I went to a sirgay talk recently a few weeks ago, was left honestly bullish

sirgay was the most grounded hes been + finally I got to see some new slides. but what you are saying about expecting more from crypto is 100% on the dot.

he even said he thinks without TradFi utilizing the blockchain / crypto in general, cryptos total market cap could only reach max like $10T. But he was saying in his view and from the discussions hes been having with various entities like Swift (he mentioned again hes been working with them for over 7 years) and that they are all in as well as he mentioned a Swift alternative but im forgetting its name that they are working with too. Maybe it was Nium? Anyways he showed a bunch of different bank adoption examples such as the ANZ Bank Carbon credit blockchain system and how they are testing out the CCIP infra using that atm before expanding to other mechanisms as well as a few others.

He actually also specifically said that in the past when he would talk to banks/institutions, he wouldn't really be talking to the right folk. But nowadays these banks have Digital Asset teams / managers etc and so his whole point was these folk are motivated to get things adopted and implemented since there is pressure from higher up. And if they dont, their jobs are on the line.

All in all i still think its a ways away adoption wise but i did leave the talk fairly optimistic and bullish. he said every year he says its the year, but then they reach november and he says okay maybe next year is the year kek. he feels confident though they own the infra/plumbing stack though for the future of finance

>t. 2017 50k link oldfag
also want to mention his point about the banks is they all are keen on adopting it, and said they obviously do like the efficiency gains and potential to have larger margins on some assets they offer, but eod digital asset teams at these banks / Fish are motivated to get things done sooner rather than later just because they are afraid they wont have jobs if they dont
also want to add two other things:

he thinks if TradFI gets their shit setup and theres a lot of cross activity happening between public chains and private chains which he expects / they also expect, crypto mcap will explode. but without it, $10T is the peak

and that from their discussions and working with all these folk, it does seem live an inevitably. the question is less if, but moreso when. and called out regulatory environments / inaction by people like the SEC and Congress from providing proper clarity as a factor for slowing down adoption today. said regulatory environmental clarity in Hong Kong, Singapore, UAE, and forgetting the last place is whats driving the ecosystem forward atm and their hope is itll help shape US policy on the matter so banks can jump in. US wont sit on the sidelines if the rest of the world is going into it, you can best believe that

banks/FI's* is what i meant to write

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Expectation in 2017 for 2024:
>3 fig price, lots of usage
>$1700 in fees daily after a 3 year hyped feature with 500 employees to pay fat wages and give vested tokens to

Xswap is basically most the usage... and is made by chainlink founders.
They literally had to build Transporter to get people to use it and nobody is.
All serious projects are suffering this... the only difference is Chainlink heavily scaled and spent anticipating a market that doesnt exist lol.
Enterprise adoption flopped, and at best is going dramatically slower than they anticipated... the fall back for Crypto native market also flopped because the market dropped all pretences now and is straight up memes and gambling to the point even VCs are setting up meme coins.

A meme coin wont use CCIP or give a fuck about cross chain as it wont exist in 3 months anymore.
You have Chainlink spending god knows how much running around interviewing banks and enterprises to try force fit themselves into whatever these banks might build later that might be DLT compatible.

As said, all serious projects are suffering the same thing now... It is just only Chainlink that HEAVILY invested into scaling for a market that doesnt exist and now needs gargantuan funding to keep operations going... guess were that comes from? Then guess who they are competing with as loads of long time holders slowly move on selling 5-10% here and there.
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Pic very much related
so I went to a sirgay talk recently a few weeks ago, was left honestly bullish

sirgay was the most grounded hes been + finally I got to see some new slides. but what you are saying about expecting more from crypto is 100% on the dot.

he even said he thinks without TradFi utilizing the blockchain / crypto in general, cryptos total market cap could only reach max like $10T. But he was saying in his view and from the discussions hes been having with various entities like Swift (he mentioned again hes been working with them for over 7 years) as well as he mentioned a Swift alternative but im forgetting its name. Maybe it was Nium? Anyways he showed a bunch of different bank adoption examples such as the ANZ Bank Carbon credit blockchain system and how they are testing out the CCIP infra using that atm before expanding to other mechanisms as well as a few others.

He actually also specifically said that in the past when he would talk to banks/institutions, he wouldn't really be talking to the right folk. But nowadays these banks have Digital Asset teams / managers etc and so his whole point was these folk are motivated to get things adopted and implemented since there is pressure from higher up. And if they dont, their jobs are on the line.

All in all i still think its a ways away adoption wise but i did leave the talk fairly optimistic and bullish. he said every year he says its the year, but then they reach november and he says okay maybe next year is the year kek. he feels confident though they own the infra/plumbing stack though for the future of finance

>t. 2017 50k link oldfag
ill prob cross post this in the other thread / also realized my autistic ass forgot to finish some sentences that I thought out in my head kek

meant to say he said Swift is all in on this
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cross post here >>58449235

after $5 billion in investor fundraising…The FUTURE of finance hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahaha
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isnt the point of ccip to fix that though? bridges are no longer risky. if investors have been so frightened because of their previous bridge hacks (which the meme was that it was all Ari anyway hacking them to make them want to use ccip instead) then this has been a fucking disaster; they should have released it two years ago
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If not oracle, what else to look for? depin or rwa? I see nothing happening in Oracle anymore. It seems we have bought into a failed product.
We need trustless identity and data verification.

Basically anything today you straight up cannot build without assumption of trust, mainly in banks.
DECO is just one part.
The other is Yada yada the first oracle network to bootstrap using trust reputation of the current trust monopoly ... You get the show

Its slowly falling into place
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Getting as much revenue as a busy coffee shop when your token has a 10 billion market cap is retarded

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I'm scaling out of BTC: and into 100-1000x alts, what are your recommendations?
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shill me your oracles. thought we all buying LINK. what changed?
its all a game chad. only whales make it here.
AI and MEMEs
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AGRS if you're into big brain AI coins.
They are in the process of releasing their tech that has been years in the making.
It's also not that they are new to crypto as the coin has been listed with the same objective since 2015

Main reason for the long time was that that they basically had to reinvent their whole tech stack when it turned out that some weird logic stuff could never be done with Martin Löff type theory so they switched to Monadic second order logic (whatever that is) and Atomless Boolean Algebra with quantifier elimination.
he's making the best use of what he got. did that with etherfi and now swell.

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