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1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
Fake image
Anyone replying below me pretending it's real is a faggot with aids.
Is this real?
I affirm this to be real with the same authority, honesty and possibility to be trusted that doubt-anon >>675615937 has to sow doubt.
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It's coming along nicely

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>Stop basing all of your decisions and beliefs off of opposing people you dislike
Reddit is even more woke than Sony, what the fuck are you on about. The move against Sony had nothing to do with modern marxist ideology.
Plus Sony IS really fucking woke. How far on the left do you have to be not to see that? Are you from Sweden?
>I hate outrage-whore chuds
And being an outrage whore cuck is better?
That's the same thing as being an outrage whore chud.
But that's how you get peak soulless shit. People like to think they know better but there's a good reason why most fanfic writers are stuck only writing fanfics and not the real thing.

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>The Cyberpunk 2077 combat is b-
>that floaty movement
>head blows into bits from a slight bump
>timestop fallout garbage
>lightly shove someone into the ground
>his head explodes
wow clap
looks lame, well i'm not a kid anymore sadly

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What the fuck is this retarded game
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I have one ofs to beat every deck
If I didn't draw them in the correct matchup, I bricked yes
Ranked does this automatically,
It's called gold.
That's not permanent, retard.
>i-it does not count
lol lmao even

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Since /v/ is so obsessed with posting them, let me clarify how they actually shake out.

>Sub 100 players
Actual Discord Fighter. Only played by the most hardcore or fightanfags or the game just sucks.
>100-300 players
Can find matches, but the remaining players are most likely only vets that will wreck your shit.
>301-999 players
Niche fighter, finding matches may take slightly longer but there's still a couple of fellow newbies to play with.
>1000-2999 players
Not one of the big IPs, but still a popular game. Easy to find matches and the player pool is very diverse.
Mainstream fighter. If you've never played a fighting game before start with one of these because you'll never have a problem finding people at any skill level to play with.

Hope this helps, and go play fighting games instead of shitposting. Also I typed all this out for that Street Fighter thread that got deleted and I don't want my time to be wasted.
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>paying for a fucking mmd
sorry that game is too hard for me
I only play real fighting games.
SNK still can't do VFX I see
Make an xrd lobby instead.

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Previous Thread >>675298829

>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!

>Booru Collection

>Drawing Books and drawing programs
>>>/ic/drawing sticky: >>>/ic/1579290

>NSFW Deliveries

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>I'll post my own request and do them myself
You can also do
>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
Requesting Harlow Jordan from Dead Island Riptide getting creampied while restrained in a chokehold (preferably by John Morgan).
artists are too intimidated of botfag to do that, that is why they need another thread where botfag is not allowed, and definetely doesn't go .
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Requesting left pic related but with Mina the Hollower instead.
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Requesting the Zoologist resting her big tits on an anon's head.

>woke liberal arts teacher is the villain
>Redneck Mechanic is the Hero

The devs wanted the /v/ audience
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>me a literal third worlder who has no idea how mutt politics work
Redneck Mechanic??? There was the redneck drug dealer who provided the drugs used, then there was the security guard that spied on his daughter in-law. The drug dealer kills Chloe if you make the wrong decision.
this game is for little girls
stupid gun

So was he actually fucking the students and then killing them?

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New "Let it Die" installment confirmed, to feature similar roguelike structure with Co-op and PVP elements taking the best from "Deathverse"

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>Yeah the way current ranged units work, the movement/formations it would be so fucking awkward.
Curse of too much freedom.
Sure, you can theoretically do what you want, but his campaigns always feel listless to me.
With Luthor, having a roving band of assholes plundering elsewhere while I take on the Lustriabowl feels more satisfying.
and unit targeting, them rotating around in formation and not firing because like 10 fucks aren't lined up properly are all a problem. The way ranged units work have not progressed since Empire or Napoleon. Its functionally dogshit for 40k to work like it currently does in TW3
>*clicks on you*
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How do I get gud? I'm new and started the nurgle campaign after finishing the tutorial. I'm getting roflstomped when I get to turn 40+. It's been a little better since the nurgle rework but I still can't hack it. Normal difficulty btw

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Hades 2 won
front page of steam says otherwise
Yeah, that doesn't disqualify it from being indie.
>dev: SGG
>pub: SGG
Seems to be an indie game chief
Can anyone who doesn't wear a tin foil hat and call everything woke, tell me if the game is good? Been bored af and haven't played the first game.
I played the first game a bunch. It's a decent way to waste some time, like most games in the genre. I like the way they handled difficulty, after clearing a run with a weapon you can add modifiers to the next run to make it harder. If you want, you can safely ignore all the dialog and lore stuff, most of it is repetitive to be honest. Once you get good the game becomes a spam fest of 24/7 dashing around the map.

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>want to replay JRPG
>remember the ridiculously long and slow on rails prologue before you get some freedom
Guess the game
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That along with forced tutorials is why I don't even bother.
Is this a bot?
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yes beep boop
>want to replay JRPG
this almost never happens
It gets good about 10 years after you finished it. Then it lurks in your brain for the rest of your life.

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This might be the greatest game I've ever played
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sex with karlach!
I love suomi idiot women.
please understand its most of these peoples first crpg and they have to play certified slop.
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It's one or two retards who have latched onto that part of their trolling checklist for what to post in BG3 threads. They hate the game, everyone who liked it, and the developer, but they post in every single thread, day in and day out, without fail, and have done so for almost nine months without fail.

They are insane.

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i revised my XIV jobs tier list. Thought?
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heres my objective tier list
>not blue mage tier: everything
>blue mage tier: blue mage
That only works for tanks and healers, dps still have shitty queues.
server died again
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It's not like your roulette queues are much better except for maybe alliance which can still trap you with garbage like Nier that takes a fucking hour

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is captivating character design a plus for action games? or is it just set dressing?
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>zoomers into hentai and cosplay
4chan won the long game
Gen Z beats Boomers in the smoking category tho.
yeah but theyre watching girls who smoke weed, not tobacco
sorry lefty but 4chan isn't about hentai and cosplay anymore, it's about soijacks and american politics.
I'm not captivated by Eve. Until its revealed she has cute, well modeled feet I shall remain firm in my neutrality.
Aloy is superior as long as you don't look above her ankles, which I never do.I

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As many kinds of environments as there are in the game, there are a few more I think would fit in nicely alongside what already exists.
>cabin is on top of a snowy mountain, hero has to hike against a raging blizzard to get there
>cabin is on an island at the center of stormy lake/sea, hero takes a rowboat to get there
>cabin is in the ruins of a technologically advanced
alien city, which looks like the Narrator's home
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more like Lay the Princess am i right fellow gamers
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>discover the Princess is actually Shifty
>no idea where to stick benis because her anatomy is beyond my comprehension
>no idea where my benis is because what the fuck is a bird god's anatomy
>People want to slay this
>isn't sure if she likes the world
>if you press her she doesn't remember any details from before she was locked up
hmmmmmmm sounds like someone's in need of a slaying to me
he has a cloaca and maybe a cock coming out of it when it's time for business

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>exit vault
>you need to find your wife/husband
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If they keep progressing the timeline then how can they expect me to believe that there are STILL 'control' vaults for yet another naive vault dweller to emerge from? I was already hugely skeptical about the show's vault but there can't possibly be more right? Why won't they go the Fo2 or NV route where the protagonist is just some wanderer instead?
So how will they dumb down Fallout 5? There's barely anything left for them to remove
How long is it going to take for buzz to die down so we don’t have consistent fallout threads
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I'm so sick of story in videogames you have no fucking idea
I just want to play the god damn game stop making me watch cutscenes and navigate retarded dialog trees
Can we have a macguffin based story that leads into finding a supervillain again?

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Will old Lara ever come back? How much these new games sold? They can't be that successful right?
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Or when she got interogated at a merc camp?
or when she got pregnant at the Indonesian pig farm
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or when she worked as a teacher
Is it really too much to ask to see them bare, possibly oiled up, and being squeezed and jiggled around?

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I dont give a fuck about Stellar Blade censorship or Helldivers 2 PSN account link shit. You know what makes Sony truly evil right now (coming from a PS5 gamer)? Putting games on Steam and PCfags get it for free AND they can play the upcoming Ghost of Tsushima multiplayer WITHOUT paying for internet access. I am starting to dislike this company more and more. Might move to Xbox or even... UGH... NINTENDO.
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The kirino thread can't be complete without it.
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>when a PC vegan starts preaching at you
Reminder that it's perfectly ok to go hug your sister right now and tell her how much you love me.
You should have boycotted when they started charging for online back on the PS2.
It's too late now.
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>duuude you press the roll button at the right time woah

Why is Dark Souls so popular?
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Why do you shit your pants like a little behbeh over these games every single day? I think Broderlands is fucking shit but I don't feel compelled to make 30 threads a day shitting my pants over it.
why are you using a halberd past DS2? they were only good in ds1 and 2, they're trash unless you have a glaive hybrid.
Welcome to literally every video game.
I like how this clip cut out the strafe dodge with his flying attack just to push this narrative further
Cope you fucking Fromidiots

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So uh... are there any indepth guides for other games out there? I wanna get good at DMC and Bayo.
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Do you unironically think you can beat NGII with ONE fucking move like those webms? Are you actually 5 years old? Only 1.2% of people even BEAT Master Ninja. As always you fucking shitposters don’t play the actual game.
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NG1 fans enjoy the game for what matters the most, the actual gameplay.
NG3 fans are just lucky to have survived.
NG2 fags on the other hand, specifically enjoy the game because it has the most non-stop cinematics and gore etc and pretend their game is hardcore because their cookieface idol said he made it hardcore. NG2fags care a lot more about stuff that doesn't actually matter rather than purely discussing the gameplay. The only thing they can say to try and cope is
instead of being able to come up with any real argument themselves, as they post gameplay that either isn't their own or is completely mediocre spam.

Notice how often NG2fags will completely ignore NG3RE even though it's objectively the harder game.
hey thats my webm

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